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Standards Ecosystem Focus Group

This is a working area for the Standards Ecosystem Focus Group of the NAFEMS-INCOSE SMSWG.

Each focus group is encouraged to use this page, as well as the other collaboration areas linked below, in any way it wishes. This page is not intended primarily to be a public-facing page, but a resource to be used internally by the team members.

A few times a year, each focus group typically reports on its activities during the monthly members meetings of the SMSWG. Each focus group is encouraged to maintain links to these more public presentations and discussions at the top of this page. These can be a subset of the complete meeting materials available on the main SMSWG wiki page as well as in the SMSWG Collaborative Community (members-only access required).


Focus Group LeadEmail Address
Don Tolle [email protected]

Google Group with Google Drive for email discussions and document sharing within the Focus Group.

Please contact the Focus Group lead to join the focus group and to be included in email communications, meetings, and activities. Each focus group will periodically share information and report activities back to the rest of the SMSWG.



Ongoing Work & Activities

smswg/standards_ecosystem.1552405833.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/12 11:50 by rburkhart