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Meeting Page for Decision Analysis Working Group at IW2017

The objective for this working group meeting was to have a discussion on how models support decision analysis. To open up a dialog about:

  • How descriptive models are being used to support decisions
  • How models are used to help us communicate, to inform the math models we build, to capture knowledge, to connect data and models together
  • How we use models to organize goals and criteria used in a decision analysis effort
  • How we use models to describe solution alternatives
  • How we handle changes that are being made on the project in real time
  • How models are used to help inform a decision analysis effort of those changes
  • How we establish traceability to the decisions that are being made on a project

The working group would like to know if you have examples of work that you may have done or are doing in these areas. If you do please contact

Following are presentations from the WG meeting at IW2017, which was held Monday, January 30 from 9:00-12:00:

Overview of Decision Analysis Working Group and Objectives for the Meeting Frank Salvatore (Engility)
Engineered Resilient Systems: A Practical Armament Example and Study Frank Salvatore (Engility). Slides authored by David Chau & Mitul Patel (US Army Armaments Research, Development, and Engineering Center).
mbse/incose_mbse_iw_2017/dawg.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/13 22:16 by rburkhart