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SMSWG Meeting #26 (2019-02-12)

Meeting #26 of the NAFEMS-INCOSE Systems Modeling & Simulation Working Group (SMSWG) will be held Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 11:00 AM EST for one hour as an online meeting.

Agenda for meeting:

Time (ET)TopicPresenter
11:00-11:10 Welcome, SMSWG Updates, followups from last meeting Roger Burkhart (John Deere)
11:10-12:00 Overview and Status of MoSSEC draft standard (AP243) Adrian Murton (Airbus)

Because of interest in MoSSEC by both groups, members of the NAFEMS Simulation Data Management Working Group (SDMWG) are also being invited to join this meeting.

Presentation slides will be linked from this page as they become available. More detailed minutes will also be available on the SMSWG Collaborative Community, including links to a recording of the meeting. (SMSWG member access required. Request membership using the request form on the NAFEMS SMSWG page.)

(back to SMSWG)

mbse/smswg/2019-02-12.1549870914.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/11 02:41 by rburkhart