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Qualitative Analysis

Wikipedia “Non-Functional Requirement” ⇒ “A requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors.”

Curated Set

  • Qualities are placed here after peer discussion of the Proposed Set

Proposed Set

  • State your proposals here.

(Follow a pattern of [Tag Alias] Imperative Verb Phrase describing a Quality, a Non-Functional Desirement or Requirement.)
Relate the Quality with one or more of the Capabilities by citing the handles of those capabilities.

  • [NONFUNC-INFORM-101] When exhibiting [CAP-INFORM-301] (Notify Subscribers of Changes to Published Content) an ideal MLM-S should express the changes as members of a change set that is necessary, sufficient, succinct, well-formed, self-contained, and not verbose.
    • Consider, for example: the journal of a Journaling Filesystem; a Tracked Resource Set of OSLC Providers; or the Delta XML of changes for an XML Document; DITA

[FUNC-PERF-100] Response time

[FUNC-PERF-200] transaction rate

Visual Aids

Definition of Terms

Source: here

mbse/modelmgt/qualities.1454371006.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/01 18:56 by jpalmer