===== Meeting Page for Decision Analysis Working Group at IW2017 ===== The objective for this working group meeting was to have a discussion on how models support decision analysis. To open up a dialog about: * How descriptive models are being used to support decisions * How models are used to help us communicate, to inform the math models we build, to capture knowledge, to connect data and models together * How we use models to organize goals and criteria used in a decision analysis effort * How we use models to describe solution alternatives * How we handle changes that are being made on the project in real time * How models are used to help inform a decision analysis effort of those changes * How we establish traceability to the decisions that are being made on a project The working group would like to know if you have examples of work that you may have done or are doing in these areas. If you do please contact . Following are presentations from the WG meeting at IW2017, which was held Monday, January 30 from 9:00-12:00: ^Title^Presenter^ | {{:mbse:incose_mbse_iw_2017:wg_iw2017.pptx|Overview of Decision Analysis Working Group and Objectives for the Meeting}} | Frank Salvatore (Engility) | | {{:mbse:incose_mbse_iw_2017:ndia_se_conf_2016_ers_18975_chau_distro_a_final_updated_18oct2016.pptx|Engineered Resilient Systems: A Practical Armament Example and Study}} | Frank Salvatore (Engility). Slides authored by David Chau & Mitul Patel (US Army Armaments Research, Development, and Engineering Center). |